Project 1: Project retrospective.

Wow, so that was hard, I definitely didn’t stick to it, especially toward the end.

I think certainly doing some programming each day, is quite a hard goal. Compared to something like say, making your bed, programming, no matter how small it is, involves engaging the brain, and that can be difficult.

But that said, the effort to work on it each day, did get work done. So I think definitely worth doing again.

But at the same time, I think more gets done in longer sessions. I think the real key for programming, is to constantly be adding the small items (eg. ask that question on Stack Overflow) to your backlog, and those smaller items can be done in the evenings.

Project 1: Day 5: Reinventing the wheel.

My cousin has pointed out that I could be using NetworkX for my graphs, instead of homecooking my own.

This seems to be a classic problem with me – reinventing the wheel, instead of learning to use existing libraries.

I think what I’m going to do, is persevere with the project in its current form, as what I’m really wanting to get out of this is learning unit testing, and good code structure, rather learning to use external libraries.

How far I got:

  • Started writing an addSubgraph method.
  • Started unit testing spatial graph.

It’s not working because I need to sort out how imports work. I’m giving up here for now.